About us

“Creating a digital transformation strategy for Modepack d.o.o.”

Project code:NPOO.C1.1.2.R3-I2.01-V3.0050
Project holder:Modepack d.o.o.
Total value of the project:18.125,00 €
EU share in financing project:8.700,00 €
Project duration:30.10.2023. – 30.10.2024.

Summary project description:

The project will stimulate the further development of Modepack d.o.o., i.e. increase the market competitiveness and resilience of the company through the creation of a strategy for the digital transformation of the company and its implementation, i.e. the application of the action plan defined by the strategy. The project will raise the level of business digitization, i.e. increasing the digital maturity of the company.

Contact person in Modepack:

Dominik Konjarik, dominik.konjarik@modepack.com

Website content is the exclusive responsibility of the company Modepack d.o.o.

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“Izrada strategije digitalne transformacije poduzeća Modepack d.o.o.”

Kod projekta:NPOO.C1.1.2.R3-I2.01-V3.0050
Nositelj projekta:Modepack d.o.o.
Ukupna vrijednost projekta:18.125,00 €
EU udio u financiranju projekta:8.700,00 €
Trajanje projekta:30.10.2023. – 30.10.2024.

Kratki opis Projekta:

Projektom će se potaknuti daljnji razvoj tvrtke Modepack d.o.o., tj. povećati tržišnu konkurentnost i otpornost poduzeća kroz izradu strategije digitalne transformacije poduzeća te primjenu iste, tj. primjena akcijskog plana definirane strategije. Projekt će podići razinu digitalizacije poslovanja, tj. povećanju digitalne zrelosti poduzeća.

Kontakt osoba:

Dominik Konjarik, dominik.konjarik@modepack.com

Sadržaj internetske stranice isključiva je odgovornost tvrtke Modepack d.o.o.

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